April: Spring energy!

Publié le par Alice de la Croix

April: Spring energy!

An energizing menu for a great start in Spring! Gluten free!

April: Spring energy!

Redbellpepper rolls

Ingredients (serves 6 to 8 persons):
2 red bell pepper, 2 yellow bell pepper
8 thin slices of ham
100 g cream cheese

Preparation of the recipe:
1.Cut the peppers in two and take away the seeds.
2.Grill them for 20 to 25 min in preheated oven (180°C). Place the peppers in a plastic bag for a few minutes. Take them out and take off the skin.
3.Slice the peppers and the ham (same size) and place one slice ham on each slice pepper.
4.Mix the cream cheese with chopped chives (keep long chives for the binds).
5.Spread some cheese preparation on top of the ham and roll together.
6.Bind the rolls with chive.That's the tricky part, don't break the ties!
7.Add pepper and eat fresh.

April: Spring energy!

Asparagus terrine

Ingredients (serves 6 to 8 persons):
12 fresh asparagus boiled for 10 min in salty water
6 eggs (M)
200 ml fresh cream
2 table spoon corn starch
Salt, pepper
150 g cherry tomatoes

Preparation of the recipe:
1.Preheat the oven (180°C). Cut away the hard foot of the asparagus, rinse and boil them for 6 min.
2.Mix the eggs with the fresh cream and asparagus with your mixer until you get a smooth cream.
3.Add salt and pepper
4.Pour the preparation in a cake mold (previously oiled if needed). Silicone molds are the best!
5.Cook in the oven for 30 to 35 min.
6.Let the terrine cool and serve with cherry tomatoes and basil on top or fresh cream mixed with chives and pepper.

April: Spring energy!

Porc roti with dried plums and apples, mashed potatoes “purée”

Ingredients (serves 6 to 8 persons):
pork roti (700g - 1kg)
2 apples
150g dried plums
1 clove garlic
Salt, pepper

For mashed potatoes “purée”
1kg potatoes
150-200 ml milk
15g butter
Nutmeg, salt

Preparation of the recipe:
1.Grill the meat for 2 minutes on each side in a friying pan with the garlic and butter . Put the meat in a baking dish.
2.Lay coarse salt over the meat
3.Peal and cut the apples into thin quarters and place them around the meat
4.Take out the seeds from the dried plums if needed, and add them to the apples.
5.Bake for 25 to 35 minutes at 180 ° C
6.For mashed potatoes: peel and cut the potatoes into cubes.
7.Cook in salted boiling water until tender. Mash the potatoes with a masher and add the milk and the butter. Mix well. Add salt and nutmeg.

April: Spring energy!

Raspberry financiers - gluten free

Ingredients : (serves 6 to 8 persons)
Icing sugar: 110 g
Almond powder : 55 g
Rice flour : 35 g
Egg white : 100 g (3 eggs)
Butter : 100 g
Raspberries: 50 g

Preparation of the recipe :
1.Preheat oven to 180 ° C (th. 6).
2.Melt the butter in a saucepan and cook until golden brown, then let it cool.
3.Mix egg whites, sugar, flour and almond powder with a spatula. Add the melted butter, then let the dough rest.
4.Butter small individual molds and pour the preparation into them.
5.Lay one raspberry in the middle of the financier.
6.Bake for 20 minutes.
7.Let cool, take out of the molds and serve.

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