Green lentils and bacon salad

Publié le par Alice de la Croix

For this salad, the best is to use Le Puy green lentils from Auvergne in France. But you can try with other kinds of lentils! This dish is great cold, for summer lunches or picnics.


Ingredients (serves 6 to 8 persons):

- 300 g green lentils

- 100 g bacon

- 1/2 shallot

- 1 teaspoon mustard

- 1 tablespoon wine vinegar

- 2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil

- Salt and pepper

- Italian parsley


Preparation of the recipe:


     1- Cook the lentils in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then drain.

     2- Dice the bacon, and fry it for 2 minutes, until golden.

     3- Prepare the vinaigrette: mix first the mustard and vinegar, then add the olive oil and mix well. Pour the vinaigrette in the lentils and mix delicately. Let marinate for 1 hour.

     - Chop the shallot and add it to the salad. Serve it with chopped Italian parsley on top.

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